Monday, April 29, 2013

Tractor Time!

Hey guys!  A few days ago I went on the tractor with my mom and dad.  We had so much fun!  Dad even let me steer the tractor (I`m very good at that)!  We got a hay bale and my dad put it right on the pointy pole that`s at the front of the tractor.  Then we drove close to the chicken coop,  that's when my mom had to go and let Charlie (our dog) off his leash so he could go and run by the tractor. So while mom did that, I was having fun fiddling with the levers on the tractor.  If you pulled the lever on the left up, the hay bale would go down.  If you pulled the lever on the right down, the hay bale would tilt up.  If you pulled the lever on the left down, the hay bale would go up.   If you pulled the lever on the right up, it would tilt down.  I didn't know what those levers did and I pulled the lever on the right down and half of the hay bale went tumbling off the pointy pole!  And then almost like five cows came and started eating the hay that fell off.  There was a black cow that tried to eat the other half of the hay bale that was still on the pointy stick by reaching up with it's long neck.  But dad tilted the bale up higher so the cow couldn't get at it.  Then he let me steer the tractor and he told me to go around the cows instead of right through them.  So then, we went to the bale ring in the pasture and we put the other half of the bale into the ring.  Then I steered us back to the gate and me and mom got off.  It was a lot of fun!

 This is me driving the tractor.
 These are the levers.
 These are the pointy things that the bale went on.
This is me and Charlie.

Sunday, April 21, 2013


Hi!  Today is joke day.  That means I`m going to be telling all you guys jokes the whole time I`m writing.  OK.  Here's the first joke:  What did a piece of steak say to the other piece of steak?  Nice to ''meat'' you!  Second joke go!  Why did the boy stare at the orange juice commercial?  It said, "concentrate''!  Your gonna giggle on the third joke!  Why is a bowl of pasta so smart?  It uses its "noodle''!  I dare you not to laugh on the funny fourth joke!  Why shouldn't  you play hide-and-go-seek with a mountain?  Because it always ''peeks''!  Last but not least, a knock- knock joke!  ''Knock-Knock"  "Who's there?"  ''Boo!''  ''Boo-Hoo (who) ?''  " Why are you crying?  It`s just a joke.''
Hope you laughed a lot! 


Saturday, April 13, 2013

Art Fun

 I did some cross stitch with my mom.  The cross stich kit included:  Paper Directions, Different colored yarn, and a yellow needle.  And there wasn't a picture to copy off of.  I think that the picture that I was supposed to copy off was a ladybug with flowers and trees surrounding it because that picture was on the cover of the cross stitch package.  But I didn't do that,  I  came up with a pretty spring scene all by myself.  (I`m going to describe what the picture looked like).  On the bottom there is one row of green grass.  When you go higher, there's a green stem, with a tulip with a bright pink border and a dark red center.  And if you go even higher, you'll find  a yellow sun in the corner, and a black bird in the other corner. 

This is a picture of my cross stitch

Friday, April 5, 2013

Yucky Blucky and Slightly Delicious Food

Well, now my mom is making me eat whole foods (some organic)!  You know what that means? IT MEANS NO MORE CANDY! I mean, like, how am I going to be able to survive in a world with no candy! It`s an outrage!  What have I ever done to her!?  Now I`m going to list 3 yucky foods I had to eat so far.

1# Asparagus
2# Bitter snap peas
3# Spicy enchilada with avocados and chicken (I liked the chicken)

Now I`m going to list 3 things that I would like to have again.

1# Homemade granola bars
2# Regular organic chicken
3# Homemade chicken nuggets 

Well, half the food I like and half the food I hate.

See you next time!