Sunday, November 17, 2013
Hard Writing
For computer lab in school, we are starting to do typing with our fingers on ''home row'' (translation, it means putting our fingers in position on F,D,S,A,J,K,L, and these things,: and ;). It is so CRAZY HARD! I'm so used to just looking at the letters and typing them in (I'm very fast, too)! This kind of helps because, you know, I TYPE on here. STOP ZOEY!!!!!! Sorry... it's just that I caught myself not typing the right way. I really hope that SOME MIRACLE will come and make me so good at this type of typing, it will blow the teacher's socks off. Well, wish me luck.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Poems and Short Stories
Today I am going to write some poems and short stories I wrote or heard before.
My Favorite Foods
By: Zoey Schmidtknecht
Peanut Butter and jam,
Eggs and ham,
Milk and toast,
and potatoes and roast
These are the things that I like most.
The Latest Thing
By: Anonymous
Tom lay on the floor watching TV. "Be the first in your neighborhood to have one!" The voice on the commercial cried." It's the latest thing in video games! You'll have hours and hours of fun-no more boring afternoons! Look for it wherever video games are sold! Don't wait! These are selling out fast!"
Tom sighed. He was saving his money, but this game is so expensive-he'd never have enough. "One day I'll be rich." he thought, "and I'll never have to wish for anything again".
To Be Continued.....
Monday, October 21, 2013
To Blog or Not to Blog
I am so sorry that I haven't written in SUCH a long time! I don't want to admit it......but, I kind of forgot about "Crazy Dayz." I know! And I'm totally going to make up for it! My new schedule for now is I'll write on Tuesdays and Thursdays around 6 o'clock or 7 o'clock. I will still be doing "Weekly Question" but sometimes it'll be a quiz. Anyways, on Thursday I'm going to be writing some poems I know or wrote on my own.
Signed: Zoey S.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Home Sweet Home Part 2
''Hi, Anna!'' I said when I got back from Olivia's campsite. She was sitting criss-cross on a blanket on the grass. She had a short, thin, pink tube like a telescope. She also had 4 tubes of paste like stuff in blue, red, yellow and green. ''Can I try?'' I asked. ''Sure" Anna said as I started to pick up a stick.
How to use a pink telescope thing and paste: 1. Put some paste on the pink straw. 2. Blow on the opposite side of the paste. 3. You should have a bubble now, take the bubble off and quickly pinch where there are any air holes. 4. Repeat with different colors. 5. After you're done blowing up your bubbles and pinching them, stick them together and they will look something like this:
How to use a pink telescope thing and paste: 1. Put some paste on the pink straw. 2. Blow on the opposite side of the paste. 3. You should have a bubble now, take the bubble off and quickly pinch where there are any air holes. 4. Repeat with different colors. 5. After you're done blowing up your bubbles and pinching them, stick them together and they will look something like this:
Anna holding our big creation.
Me pinching the air holes together.

Pink telescope thing.
What they look like in the package.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Home Sweet Home
I just got back from camping at Nugget Lake. Do you ever think about why Nugget Lake is called "Nugget Lake"? Well, Eric told me. Here's the story. Long ago a meteor hit the earth right here at Nugget Lake. The powerful force caused a wall of solid rocks to slide off of the flat form into a giant hunk of sharp rock hanging on for dear life (it's call the Under Looks). The secret, or why it's called Nugget Lake is because when the meteor shriveled up into dust, it left lots and lots of gold nuggets. Still today folks find gold here. So that's the story. At the campground they had an amphitheater. An amphitheater is a regular piece of white cardboard standing up on two pieces wood. Then you take a projector and you put the movie on the screen. We watched the movies called "A Dog's Life". "Grizzly Bears". And "Some Feet Have Noses". And do you know what's really weird? One of my best friends was going camping at the same place! And do you know how I noticed that she was there? Well, I was riding down the little hill at top speed, and then boom! There goes a little girl across the rocky gravel. I slam on my breaks. Then I scan her head to toe. Same hair, same sunglasses, I saw her wear that dress before, "Ella (her little sister, 6)?" "Zoey?" Then I look across the road, and I see Olivia. "Olivia?" "Zoey!" she cried. "I can't believe that we are camping at the same place that's so cool!" she said "I know! I'll come see you in a few hours." I replied. I turned my bike around. "See ya!" I called. And I started back towards my campsite.
Coming up:
Part two of ''Home Sweet Home"
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Camping Trip!
We're going camping! I'm going with my mom, my dad, John and my doggy, Charlie. We're also going with our camping buddies- Adults-Eric, Kayna, Scott and Heather. Kids-Avery, Daikon, Sidney, and Anna. We're going to blast some fireworks, roast some giant marshmallows, throw water balloons and much, much, more! The campsite's called Nugget Lake. We've all got our clothes packed, toys packed, and food packed. We'll be gone from Wednesday, 4th of July, Friday, Saturday to Sunday. There's lots of hiking and biking trails, so we're bringing bikes and helmets, and tennis shoes. It's going to be super-duper fun!
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Summer Vacation!
Hey, guys! Sorry I haven't been writing lately, but anyway it's: SUMMER VATCATION! My babysitter's name is Clare. She's only been babysitting John and I for 7(a week)days. That's because she went on vacation to Spain and France for 12 days (counting the weekends). For all the days she has been babysitting for John and I, I learned that Clare is: fun, smart, active, nice, she's really tall, a wonderful baker, she's a cross-country runner, she loves to read and much, much, more! My new babysitter's name is Britney. Britney is just like Clare, fun, active, nice, tall, wonderful baker, (she's not a cross-country runner though), and she loves to read. We play board games, we go on the trampoline, Clare(or Britney) and I do crafts together, we also go to the pool, the park, Mc T's, and the library. All those things are really fun. this is going to be a wonderful summer!
MMMMM!!!! Chocolate - My Favorite!
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Girl Scouts + Pizza = Bowling
Last Thursday I went bowling with my Girl Scout troop, and the girl's mom. In one lane there were the parents. In another lane, there were half of the girls-Emily, Sierra, Skylar, Abby, and I. In the other lane there were-Leah, Savannah, Julia, Annabelle, and Zea. We only played one game, though. Here is the scoring:
My Team
Final Scores: Bowling
My Team
Final Scores: Bowling
ZOEY: 73 points
ABBY:110 points
EMILY:85 points
EMILY:85 points
SIERRA:83 points
SKYLAR:94 points
Total Score: 445 points
Leah's Team
Final Score: Bowling
LEAH:78 points
SAVANNAH:112 points
JULIA:103 points
JULIA:103 points
ANNABELLE:80 points
ZEA:99 points
Total Score:472 points
Total Score:472 points
My Team and Leah's Team altogether: 917 points
Also, before we did bowling we had pizza. The kids got their pizza delivered in a little basket-like thingy. We got to choose our type-cheese, pepperoni, or sausage (ours was homemade)! The adults got theirs in a bigger basket-like thingy-they only got pepperoni and sausage. And after we were done bowling, we got to go in the back were you need to get a pin out if it fell down or if a bowling ball got stuck! And GUESS WHAT!? We even got a bowling pin to take home with us!
(my mom is going to upload pictures....but she's in Las Vegas for my grandma's birthday).
Where the pins go after you hit them!
Me and my new bowling pin (never mind my red eyes!)
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Sugar Cookies
A couple of days ago I baked 4th of July (or Memorial Day) themed sugar cookies and chocolate chip zucchini muffins with my Grandma Barb. I made the sugar cookies all by myself. First, I made the secret recipe of grandma Barb's famous sugar cookies. While the cookies were baking, we started to make some white (secret ingredient) frosting (not from the tub you buy in the store). Then I got out red and blue sugar sprinkles. Next, we took the cookies out to cool. While we waited, we watched ''HOARDERS'' on Grandma's TV. After the cookies finished cooling, Grandma got out a small spatula. Then she took the cookies and started frosting them. When she is done with one cookie, she passes it to me and I put red and blue sprinkles on it. After we were done with all the cookies, Grandma said that we should "taste our efforts". They were delicious! On Monday mom brought the cookies to class for us to eat. I told them that I made them all by myself. A few of my classmates thought that I put poison in them! I told them this, "I was with my Grandma! She loves children! She watched everything I did!" Stay tuned to hear about the chocolate chip zucchini muffins!
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Hi everyone! My mom and my brother (John, 10) went to St. Louis on Thursday, May 16-Sunday, May 20. They went to St. Louis because my aunt Christa is graduating from law school. Christa has a son, Adrian (he`s 8). John and Adrian get along really good. And aren't they lucky, they get to see a Brewers vs. Cardinals baseball game! So now I`m stuck here with Dad, Charlie, Girly Girl, Ferb and Phineas. There's only two good things about me not going: Dad doesn't now how to cook very well so were` probably going to have pizza every night. Second of all, mom said she`d bring me back a stuffed animal. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all.
Pretty Kitty!
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Hi guys! In my pasture I have cows. Half of the cows already had calves. There is this one special calf who has a grayish-whitish coat. It's a he, but I wish he was a she. We named him Ghost. But today since it was raining, he sort of had a white, gray and brown coat. But do you know what's really weird? It's that Ghost's mother is orange. All orange. Ok people, I`m having a contest! Everybody, (you don't need to do this) when you leave a comment, come up with a name for Ghost's mom. Good Luck!
Ghost and his Mom
Monday, April 29, 2013
Tractor Time!
Hey guys! A few days ago I went on the tractor with my mom and dad. We had so much fun! Dad even let me steer the tractor (I`m very good at that)! We got a hay bale and my dad put it right on the pointy pole that`s at the front of the tractor. Then we drove close to the chicken coop, that's when my mom had to go and let Charlie (our dog) off his leash so he could go and run by the tractor. So while mom did that, I was having fun fiddling with the levers on the tractor. If you pulled the lever on the left up, the hay bale would go down. If you pulled the lever on the right down, the hay bale would tilt up. If you pulled the lever on the left down, the hay bale would go up. If you pulled the lever on the right up, it would tilt down. I didn't know what those levers did and I pulled the lever on the right down and half of the hay bale went tumbling off the pointy pole! And then almost like five cows came and started eating the hay that fell off. There was a black cow that tried to eat the other half of the hay bale that was still on the pointy stick by reaching up with it's long neck. But dad tilted the bale up higher so the cow couldn't get at it. Then he let me steer the tractor and he told me to go around the cows instead of right through them. So then, we went to the bale ring in the pasture and we put the other half of the bale into the ring. Then I steered us back to the gate and me and mom got off. It was a lot of fun!
This is me driving the tractor.
These are the levers.

These are the pointy things that the bale went on.
This is me and Charlie.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Hi! Today is joke day. That means I`m going to be telling all you guys jokes the whole time I`m writing. OK. Here's the first joke: What did a piece of steak say to the other piece of steak? Nice to ''meat'' you! Second joke go! Why did the boy stare at the orange juice commercial? It said, "concentrate''! Your gonna giggle on the third joke! Why is a bowl of pasta so smart? It uses its "noodle''! I dare you not to laugh on the funny fourth joke! Why shouldn't you play hide-and-go-seek with a mountain? Because it always ''peeks''! Last but not least, a knock- knock joke! ''Knock-Knock" "Who's there?" ''Boo!'' ''Boo-Hoo (who) ?'' " Why are you crying? It`s just a joke.''
Hope you laughed a lot!
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Art Fun
I did some cross stitch with my mom. The cross stich kit included: Paper Directions, Different colored yarn, and a yellow needle. And there wasn't a picture to copy off of. I think that the picture that I was supposed to copy off was a ladybug with flowers and trees surrounding it because that picture was on the cover of the cross stitch package. But I didn't do that, I came up with a pretty spring scene all by myself. (I`m going to describe what the picture looked like). On the bottom there is one row of green grass. When you go higher, there's a green stem, with a tulip with a bright pink border and a dark red center. And if you go even higher, you'll find a yellow sun in the corner, and a black bird in the other corner.
This is a picture of my cross stitch
Friday, April 5, 2013
Yucky Blucky and Slightly Delicious Food
Well, now my mom is making me eat whole foods (some organic)! You know what that means? IT MEANS NO MORE CANDY! I mean, like, how am I going to be able to survive in a world with no candy! It`s an outrage! What have I ever done to her!? Now I`m going to list 3 yucky foods I had to eat so far.
1# Asparagus
2# Bitter snap peas
3# Spicy enchilada with avocados and chicken (I liked the chicken)
Now I`m going to list 3 things that I would like to have again.
1# Homemade granola bars
2# Regular organic chicken
3# Homemade chicken nuggets
Well, half the food I like and half the food I hate.
See you next time!
1# Asparagus
2# Bitter snap peas
3# Spicy enchilada with avocados and chicken (I liked the chicken)
Now I`m going to list 3 things that I would like to have again.
1# Homemade granola bars
2# Regular organic chicken
3# Homemade chicken nuggets
Well, half the food I like and half the food I hate.
See you next time!
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