Saturday, April 13, 2013

Art Fun

 I did some cross stitch with my mom.  The cross stich kit included:  Paper Directions, Different colored yarn, and a yellow needle.  And there wasn't a picture to copy off of.  I think that the picture that I was supposed to copy off was a ladybug with flowers and trees surrounding it because that picture was on the cover of the cross stitch package.  But I didn't do that,  I  came up with a pretty spring scene all by myself.  (I`m going to describe what the picture looked like).  On the bottom there is one row of green grass.  When you go higher, there's a green stem, with a tulip with a bright pink border and a dark red center.  And if you go even higher, you'll find  a yellow sun in the corner, and a black bird in the other corner. 

This is a picture of my cross stitch


Anonymous said...

Great job Zoey! You'll have to bring crafts like this for camping, then all you girls will have a craft to do if rains!

Zoey said...

Yeah, I'll bring as many craft stuff as I can.

Mrs. Snyder said...

I loved the cross stitch that you gave me! You are a very talented young lady! -Mrs. Snyder

Zoey said...

Well, thank you very much!