Thursday, May 16, 2013


Hi everyone!  My mom and my brother (John, 10) went to St. Louis  on Thursday, May 16-Sunday, May 20.  They went to St. Louis because my aunt Christa is graduating from law school.  Christa has a son, Adrian (he`s 8). John and Adrian get along really good.  And aren't they lucky, they get to see a Brewers vs. Cardinals baseball game!  So now I`m stuck here with Dad, Charlie, Girly Girl, Ferb and Phineas.  There's only two good things about me not going:  Dad doesn't now how to cook very well so were` probably going to have pizza every night. Second of all, mom said she`d bring me back a stuffed animal.  Maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all.

  Pretty Kitty!


Anonymous said...

Zoey!! I do too know how to cook, there's just usually more pressing things to do. That's why we have pizza, quick and easy! Great job with this and with the tractor driving the other day! Love, Dad

Zoey said...

Yeah, yeah. You don`t know how to cook! That`s why we have pizza!

Kali said...

Zoey how do you come up with all this stuff?! Ps. I love pizza but not every night!

Christa said...

How about Casper?

Anonymous said...

Oh Zoey, yer funny! Enjoy your pizza. Mom will be home soon to get you back on track ;-). -kayna

Zoey said...

Hopefully. Dad`s driving me crazy!

Zoey said...

Well, I sort of just copy what happened that day....

Anonymous said...

I'll bet you are just waiting for mom to get back so she can start cooking all those 'new' foods she is feeding you!! You and Dad are probably really enjoying all the pizza and just posting this other stuff to make your mom feel bad for leaving you home. LOL ~~Sue~~

Zoey said...


Britney said...

It couldn't have been too bad. Rule of the house, eh? lol

ZOEY LOL said...

Well maybe.. It could be...