Sunday, April 21, 2013


Hi!  Today is joke day.  That means I`m going to be telling all you guys jokes the whole time I`m writing.  OK.  Here's the first joke:  What did a piece of steak say to the other piece of steak?  Nice to ''meat'' you!  Second joke go!  Why did the boy stare at the orange juice commercial?  It said, "concentrate''!  Your gonna giggle on the third joke!  Why is a bowl of pasta so smart?  It uses its "noodle''!  I dare you not to laugh on the funny fourth joke!  Why shouldn't  you play hide-and-go-seek with a mountain?  Because it always ''peeks''!  Last but not least, a knock- knock joke!  ''Knock-Knock"  "Who's there?"  ''Boo!''  ''Boo-Hoo (who) ?''  " Why are you crying?  It`s just a joke.''
Hope you laughed a lot! 



Jillian Hurlburt said...

I like the mountain joke! :)

Anonymous said...

Wahahaaa! Love it. Keep writing because you are so funny. Avery and Daikon have been loving it too. -kayna

Ps: I saved Crazy Dayz to my blog file so we will be checking for new posts often :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey Zoey looking forward to having you in Summer Reading! Helen

Anonymous said...

Make sure to check often because you're going to miss out on everything!! But, seriously, check it! -Zoey

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Me too, I bet it's going to be fun! -Zoey

Anonymous said...

You get it don't you? Because the peak was the mountain and he will peek? Ha ha! -Zoey

Anonymous said...

I guess we're going to have to nickname you "Joker." Great job honey! -Dad

Zoey said...

You will not, I repeat, you will not, call me "Joker!"
You got that Buster!

Dad said...

My bad.... :)

Zoey said...

Yeah, you`re bad!

Anonymous said...

Good jokes. Now here's one for you....Why were piglet, eyore and Christopher Robin looking int the toilet?

Answer: They were looking for POOH!

You laughing at that one?

Zoey said...

Yeah, that made me laugh! I get it!

Anonymous said...

That one was from Anna. I'll have to ask Avery or Daikon for the next one to send you.

Zoey said...

Tell Avery and Daikon to look at the blog. I wrote a new post!